Today's Expression
- I've run all over this island
- Build up your confidence
- Why the taking a walk feel so refresh
Screen English
Dose mighty eagle still live?
마이티 이글이 아직까지 산대?
Did he ever live? And if he did live, where would he live?
그가 살기나 한거야? 만일 산다면, 어디에 사는거야?
By the lake of wisdom in the ancient tree.
오래된 나무있는 곳, 지혜의 호수 옆에
That's a fairy tail. I've run all over this island.
그건 동화에서나 나오는 거야. 내가 이섬을 모두 돌아봤다고.
* fairy tail : 동화
I've covered every inch this island.
I've checked out entire island.
Pops English - To be with you (Mr.Big)
Build up your confidence
자신감을 가져요
So you can be on top for once
한번쯤은 정상에 설수 있도록 말이죠.
Wake up
일어나 (정신차려)
Who cares about little boys that talk too much
너무 말만 많은 그런 애들 얘기는 신경쓰지마
* 쌓여올라가는 것은 build up ~
KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) English
Today's KISS pattern English:
왜 ~하는 것은 ...?
Why does ~ing ...
산책을 하면 왜 상쾌해지는 거야?
Why does taking a walk feel so refreshing?
바다에서 수영하는 것은 왜 대담하게 들리지?
Why does swimming in the sea sound so daring?
사랑에 빠지는 것은 왜 그렇게 심하게 아픈걸까?
Why does falling in love hurt so bad?
음악을 듣는 것이 왜 그렇게 나를 진정시켜 주는걸까?
Why does listening the music calm me so much?
쇼핑은 왜 그렇게 오래걸리는걸까?
Why does shopping take so long?
설겆이하는 것이 왜 나를 이렇게 피곤하게 하는 걸까?
Why does washing dishes make me so tired?
공부하게 왜 그렇게 스트레스를 유발하는 걸까?
Why does studying cause so much stress?
왜 그와 이야기하면 화가 나지?
Why does talking with him get me so upset?
A: Why does taking a walk feel so refreshing?
B: Maybe, it's the fresh air.
A: Why does shopping take so long?
B: You have to make comparisons
A: Why does talking with him get me so upset?
B: He's as stubborn as you are.